Disapproving glances. Wagging fingers. Suspicious whispers. You know the kind. The ones that the ubiquitous church ladies give you when they suspect you of a crime against the Bible. Well, columnist Ana Guthrie has prescribed a better way to say what not to say.
Some say fashion is merely an aesthetic fix for the eye. But, what happens when fashion changes a woman from the outside in? Two designers featured at NY Fashion Connect's Clash of the Coutures did everything but clash. Their clothes speak the same mission.
NEWD is seeking to fill a position for young, spunky new sales associates.
On September 25, NEWD will sponsor the book signing event for former editorial assistant Chrisnatha Derosier's new non-fiction book, Through The Eyes of the King.
Okay, even Christians are speed dating. And, we're not talking dating quickly to get married. It's the dating three women at one time and then making a decision on who you wanna be with for life thing. Columnist Ana Guthrie blasts the practice.
Columnist Crystal Pemberton serves up the raw truth about late-night phone calls. They're called booty calls. Nothing else goes down that late at night. Inhibitions are gone. Guards are down. Let's get it on.
Do you assume the Muslim person on your plane is there to blow it up? Do you clutch at your purse if you are alone in an elevator with a Black man? Columnist V. Knowles pokes at your emotions a bit and encourages us to use more than our faint hearts to navigate through the world?
Reggae music. Jerk chicken. Carnival time. These are some of the only connections many make with Caribbean natives. But there is an emerging fashion market in the Caribbean that deserves global attention.
A Virginia based 5.9 magnitude earthquake shook the East Coast on Tuesday, August 23.
Pass the Courvoisier! Many prepare all week to hit the clubs or lounges on the weekend and 'have a few' with their friends. But, is it necessary to drink alcohol in order to have a good time?