Have you noticed throughout history, men who accomplish great and positive things were invariably men of few words.
The movie Hidden Figures was the best movie of the year – regardless of zero Oscar wins. And, it's not because of the breakthroughs that these black women made in the field of aerospace science.
Relative to Mr. Trump's description of his dismissal, former FBI director, James Comey, the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, declared "They were lies, plain and simple" in a recent hearing before the Senate. So, what is the basis of the angry decision>
Many singles are on the fast track to a cycle of relationship and marital frustration and they don’t even know it. Life coach Tobi Atte explains what you need to do instead of praying for a good spouse.
After two seasons of following the story of Rosalee and Noah, escaped slaves and star-crossed lovers from Macon, Georgia, WGN has canceled the show Underground due to a change in network leadership.
The prenup is one of the most unromantic conversations that make both people seriously uncomfortable and will even be seen as a red flag. As a follow-up to Part I of this article, here are 7 factors to consider if your romantic partner asks you for a prenup or you yourself are mulling it over.
I personally do not care how many are "uninsured" as long as I do not have to pay for someone else's insurance. This is a statement that Jesus never made about us or we'd be dead.
As we continue to criticize each other and accuse each other of being unreliable witnesses, fake news, deceitful politicians, we are creating a corrosive atmosphere with a demonic potential to injure us all.
America is a law-abiding country with a history of trying to treat people, including criminals, humanely. In a Trump America, should immigrants still trust the system?