Dear Gabby,
girl, congratulations! You've leaped into superstardom with grace and poise.
Your journey, though, has not been without its trials.
I watched an clip describing the sacrifices your family-primarily your proud mama-had to make to send you ALONE to Iowa to train under legendary Olympic coach, Liang Chow. Your mother must have sensed your purpose when she saw fit to send you 3,000 hundred miles from Virginia Beach to West Des Moines, Iowa. How beautiful it was to watch a Youtube clip of you testifying about Almighty God at your church with your biological and host families surrounding you and praying for you before you left for the 2012 Olympics.
Gabby, glean from the words of Bishop T.D. Jakes:
People are being trained today to think so small. Those who control the media and airways are feeding us a steady diet, perpetual diet of little thinking where we major on things that are not relevant to the destiny to our people or our civilization. Little thinking may be entertaining, but it's not revolutionary.
Sister girl, while your haters are commenting on your hair, you are making media rounds with First Lady Michelle Obama.
Honey child, while "keyboard-courage" folk--you know, those who spew hate and ignorance only because their PC's hide them. You know, the Twitter Tyrants, the Facebook Fowls, --analyze your slick-back 'do, you are enjoying lunch with Oprah.
Baby doll, amidst the silly banter about your appearance,
just remember that you now have enough endorsements and wealth to buy more hair
salons than the law should allow.
So, Gabby, don't stumble; do what you do best-tumble.
Leap into
Strut across
And whatever you do, wear that contagious smile of you. Don't let them see you sweat.
In Christ,
Ana Valeska is a
not-so-naughty librarian, college instructor, book editor and--yeah,baby--NEWD
columnist. Her forthcoming work, Tu Eres (You Are), is a devotional
based on modern-day worship psalms. Ana Valeska longs to help
redeem urban, young adult culture for the Lord Jesus. Her
daughter, Selena, and cat, Puffles, have her wrapped around their little