"Come now let us reason together," says the Lord
- Isaiah 1:18
Therein lies a
mystery because if a man is going to do business with God he must be prepared
to move beyond that which is reasonable, logical and practical. He must venture
into the realm of the abnormal, impractical and miraculous. Indeed, if one is
really going to be a success in this world it cannot be business as usual. You
cannot be and do the same as everybody else. This just makes you one of many
and no different.
To make an impact on society you must be prepared to extend yourself beyond your reasonable service.
The simple definition of the word holy is to be different, to be set apart. Rest assured you will get noticed if you are apart from everyone else.
You must forsake the word "good." From here on the word "better," must become your personal mantra and proverb. Day after day you must seek to become and do better than the day before.
If a man bids you to go one mile, go with him twain, because you are in a relentless pursuit to become the best.
The word good may be sufficient for reasonable people but since best is your goal, the word better is the vehicle to take you there.
Remember the being who created you and whose image you reflect has mandated that you should be perfect even as he is perfect.
Therefore you can never be happy or fulfilled being good enough because you realize that you are falling short of the mark.
Do not take your cues and signals from those around you. They are not your coach.
Let your eyes look straight on and upon the one who is the author and finisher of your faith.
He is calling you out so he can take you in to all that he has fashioned and destined you to be.
The mold in which you were formed has been broken and discarded, and from the beginning of time until the end thereof there will never be another one exactly like you. Consequently, it is impossible and unreasonable to expect you to be like someone else.
You are marching to the sound of a different drummer.
You are dancing to a different tune
You are not singing the same song.
You are traveling a different path.
Moses is dead, Joshua is gone, Peter, Paul and Silas no longer walk the earth. Only Jesus is alive and he is saying," As I was with them so will I be with you."
It is your time now.
You've got a story to tell with a different plot because his ways are past finding out.
So, do not pay attention to them past or present. Listen to him.
He sees, knows and understands you. He did not create a mistake and is aware that you are capable of being the best despite what you or others may think or say. He is absolutely positive of this fact -- not because of who you are, but because of who he is.
Henceforth, you can no longer rest and abide in the land or age of reason because your destination is the place of faith beyond hope or fear.
So arise.
Step away from the shore.
Launch out into the deep.
Your dream and
destiny is waiting for you.
Knowles is a husband and father with an interest in penning issues that
serve to uplift mankind. He melds his love for Classic literature, The
Bible and pop culture - as sordid as it may be - into highly relatable
columns of truth, faith and justice. Hence the name: Just Thinking. If
he's not buried in a book or penning his next column, you may find him
pinned to his sectional watching a good old Country and Western flick.