"That thou doest, do quickly." -- Jesus to Judas in the Holy Bible.
As you reflect upon
the landscape of your life, ponder your present circumstances and consider your
future condition, nothing is going to move, things will not change, life will
not become better until you get up, stand up and act.
Grandiose hopes and dreams, magnificent faith, and unfettered love will not make one iota of difference if not accompanied with action. They are and will remain mere words on a page, pleasant lyrics in a song if nothing is ever done to make them a reality.
Mañana is a word beloved by the man who loves a siesta.
Since we are living
in the present, this is all we have and we must play the game with the uniform
we have now. It is impossible to work with what you had or what you will have. Moses
asked God, "What is your name?" The short reply was I AM THAT I AM. He does not
concern himself with what has been or what will be, his total focus is on
what's happening now.
As you know and have been told, you are made in the image and likeness of God. Therefore, it is wise and incumbent upon you to follow his example.
Forget what has passed.
Disregard what may occur.
We can only affect and control this moment and today.
Regret and worry are the enemies of action and the friends and companions of has-beens and wishful thinkers.
Like the prodigal son you may have blown it big time, but staying in the pig sty of failure is not going to alter your sad situation. Come to yourself. Return to your senses. Arise and go back to your father. Who knows? Perhaps he will kill a fatted calf, put new clothes on your back, a ring on your finger and have a celebration.You will never know unless you get up, get out there and find out.
You may consider the
thoughts of others but they must never be the deciding factor in your course of
Always remember that
you are a unique person with a unique identity, unique purpose and destiny.
Most people will remind you of your past sins, what you were, where you are coming from and what you have done.
The rest will tell
you your dream is impossible and become offended that you dare to contemplate
stepping outside their opinion of your capabilities. Therefore, since they have
limited information, limited scope and limited power, THEY CANNOT HELP YOU.
You need to align yourself with someone who knows and is capable of everything. He has the ability to help you, does not hold your past against you and desires to give you his kingdom. He is saying ,"today, if you hear my voice harden not your heart." He further reminds you that you've dwelt too long in the same place, the previous is dead, arise, cross over the river Jordan, possess the land, claim your prize and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
Yes, failure and disaster may occur.
Yes, there are giants of challenge in the land.
Yes, you may grow weary, tired and discouraged.
The losers and do-nothings will present a good argument for quitting. Human beings seem always to promote and expect the worst, never entertaining or encouraging better or best.
However, after listening, if you must, allow it to go in one ear and out the other. Continue to fan that ember of hope, faith and love. You fight for your life and destiny.
Never forget that
there is success, triumph, victory and a great catch on the other side, as
So, the former things are passed away. They lie dead and buried behind you. Let them go. The future shiny and bright is ahead and waits for you.
But to get from here to there, from one to the other, you must do something.
Today is yesterday's
tomorrow, you do not have time to waste. ACT NOW.
Knowles is a husband and father with an interest in penning issues that
serve to uplift mankind. He melds his love for Classic literature, The
Bible and pop culture - as sordid as it may be - into highly relatable
columns of truth, faith and justice. Hence the name: Just Thinking. If
he's not buried in a book or penning his next column, you may find him
pinned to his sectional watching a good old Country and Western flick.