Lehman College in The Bronx, NY will host its second "Take
Back the Night" event on Tuesday, April 24 from 2-7 p.m. in The Studio Theatre
in the Speech and Theatre building. As part of Child Abuse Prevention and
Sexual Assault Awareness month, "Take Back the Night" aims to create awareness around
domestic violence and sexual abuse to students on campus as well as the Bronx
In 1977, the slogan "Take Back the Night" was coined by Anne Pride after the first North American march for women in New York the year prior. Over the past 30 years, from Australia to England, India to Germany and Canada to the U.S, thousands of women have protested and spoke aloud about sexual violence and abuse.
Lehman College will continue to speak out about this issue and welcomes neighboring colleges and the community to be a part of this free event. A community resource fair will be held from 2-5pm where guests will receive numerous pamphlets about sexual assault and abuse along with fun giveaways.
From 4-7 p.m., the program will begin with various speakers including the Vice President of Lehman College and several survivors of abuse. There will be a theatrical performance, spoken word, step and open mic for anyone who would like to share something with those present. As the event concludes, there will be a candlelight march around the campus.
A most hallowed event, "Remembering the Night," where students may speak to available counselors on campus throughout the day about their experiences regarding the event, takes place on Wednesday, April 25.
To RSVP or for more information about "Take Back the Night," please contact Nicole Madonna Rosario at nicole.madonnarosario@lehman.cuny.edu or call Lehman's Counseling Center at 718-960-8761.