Robin Thicke, the award-winning R&B singer was arrested on February 17 for marijuana possession. The police said he was spotted smoking in a car on a New York City street.
Prior to his arrest, Thicke, 34, was seated in a Cadillac Escalade driven by unidentified driver in Manhattan near Madison Square Park. It was proved beyond reasonable doubt that the driver was not smoking, did not even possess the forbidden weed and was not arrested though he was on the scene while Thicke was caught red handed.
Due to Thicke's cooperation, authorities gave him a desk appearance ticket and released him; however, they did not forget to get his autograph and take photos with him.
Robin Thicke is a Grammy-winning platinum recording artist. He released his fifth studio album titled "Love After War" last December. He is the son of Alan Thicke, who played Jason Seaver on the ABC sitcom "Growing Pains."