According to the London Telegraph, Jani calls himself a "breatharian" or someone who can live on "spiritual life force." He says that for seven decades, his powers have come from a goddess who pours a magic elixir into a hole in his palate.
Some doubt this to be true, but India's Defence Research Development Organization says Prahlad's spiritual breakthrough is the secret to helping Indian soldiers survive longer without food, or aid disaster victims.
While under medical observation, doctors say Jani's body has not yet shown signs of hunger or dehydration despite no drinking or eating.
"If his claims are verified, it will be a breakthrough in medical science," Dr. G. Ilavazhagan, director of the Defence Institute of Physiology & Allied Sciences told the Telegraph. "We will be able to help save human lives during natural disasters, high altitude, sea journeys and other natural and human extremities. We can educate people about the survival techniques in adverse conditions with little food and water or nothing at all."
Doctors will continue observing him for 12 days in which time they would expect to see muscle wastage, serious dehydration, weight loss and likely organ failure.
Most humans cannot go longer than three to five days without water.